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PHOXXI: “Where the world is Melting” Arctic-photographer Ragnar Axelsson
In Ragnar Axelsson’s photographs it becomes clear how quickly the Arctic is changing and how much the climate crisis threatens life in these regions. In sometimes surreal black–and–white photographs, Axelsson shows the melting of glaciers, the shrinking of the ice sheet, and the rise in sea levels.

The exhibition at PHOXXI also features an already legendary photograph that has since been printed worldwide. Axelsson describes in the Hamburg Arts podcast how the picture came about and how the old man’s life changed afterwards .

Ragnar Axelsson on the Hamburg Arts podcast
Here is the link to the Podcast-Episode with Ragnar Axelsson
“I have only one rule, that’s breaking all the other rules.”
– Ragnar Axelsson
Hamburg curator Ingo Taubhorn has brought the exhibition to Hamburg’s PHOXXI. Previously, the retrospective was on view in Munich, where curator Isabel Siben, Kunstfoyer, Versicherungskammer Kulturstiftung, had put together the retrospective of Axelsson’s works.
“Where the World is Melting” in the PHOXXI
The exhibition “Where the World is Melting“ at PHOXXI, Hamburg, runs until June 18, 2023.
Here is the link to the Phoxxi – House of Photography Temporary – with further information.–axelsson
Address: PHOXXI on the square of the Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Deichtorstr. 1–2, 20095 Hamburg.
The link to Ragnar Axelsson’s website:
The link to Kehrer–Verlag, which offers some books and prints by Ragnar Axelsson.[]=4099
Comments by Kay Dethlefs